Monday, January 23, 2012


Space-Time is the fabric out of which everything else is made, in varying densities. So, a gas planet is MADE out of Space-Time, and a rocky planet is MADE out of Space-Time, as are stars and black holes and galaxies and everything else. You're just looking at different manifestations of Space-Time, different manifestations of Matter and Energy.

As these manifestations of Matter and Energy gain MASS, they warp the matrix of Space-Time to different degrees. This warp of the fabric of Space-Time can be measured in terms of Gravity.

The problem is that there's not enough VISIBLE MATTER contained in a galaxy to create the amount of Gravity NECESSARY to hold it together as a unit. I mean, Galaxy formation is still a profound mystery to Science.

This is what Science knows about Galaxies — They're huge collections of stars and gas and dust whirling around mysterious centers that they ASSUME are Supermassive Blackholes.

But what came first? The supermassive blackholes, drawing in these rafts of gas and dust over billions of years? Or did the rafts of gas and dust merge out of the void, becoming denser and denser until a supermassive blackhole was formed in the center?

Thing is, even a supermassive blackhole a BILLION TIMES more DENSE than our Sun doesn't warp the fabric of Space-Time ENOUGH to affect the outermost rim of the galaxy. I mean, we're talking about Macro-Gravity working across tens and hundreds of thousands of Light Years. Which is unheard of.

So, the supermassive blackhole has no actual gravitational influence on the rim of the galaxy. Can't be. And the Visible Matter of the Galaxy isn't sufficient to bond the Galaxy together and account for this rotational constant from the center out to the rim.

So WHAT is holding the Galaxy together? It's nothing visible. Astrophysicists speculate that it's Dark Matter. That doesn't mean it's a dark cloud of matter that exists in this Universe. It means it's something with mass that extends into another dimension. It means the galaxies, as we know them, are just the four-dimensional bits that we can see — but they're the tips of icebergs.

The great bulk of the galaxies exist in OTHER dimensions. Like the Fifth Dimension, where the source of Gravity is thought to reside.

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